A Ministry of Light and an Avenue for the Soul.

Address: P. O. Box 152
Troy, TX 76579

Omega Star Ministries is an Empowering and Life Coaching ministry dedicated to providing coaching, empowerment, hope and healing.  

Scripture:  being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Our Mission

The mission of Omega Star Ministries is to help God’s people to love and care for each other in the same spirit that Christ loves and cares for us.  We Empower as a unique and case-based form of Christian discipleship, assisting the church in its call to bring believers to maturity in the lifelong process of sanctification—to personal wholeness, interpersonal competence, mental stability and spiritual maturity in Christ.

About us

Darell and Cassie founded OSM in 2011 seeking an avenue to reach people for Christ through Life Coaching and Sports.  Darell has been in Education for over 20 years.  As a Coach, his calling is to minister to the youth through the avenue of sports.  Through combining faith, discipline and sports he created God’s Property Track Club as a means to help youth from all backgrounds vision themselves becoming greater and advancing in the steps to do it. Cassie is a retired Navy veteran who seeks to empower women and children through Life Coaching, Empowerment and Prayer. Through Life Skills classes she enables participants to learn strategies to help better manage life’s daily challenges.

One of the things that Cassie is known for is her ability to empower people, a revelation that explains why so many Believers can appear to do everything they’ve learned in church and still fail to receive breakthrough in their lives. As Cassie began teaching and empowering people about the process of making the moments count, she witnessed and heard testimony of life changing encounters that lead people to victorious living.